Sunday, September 20, 2009

The first two weeks

(Check out the trees!)

The past two weeks have been wonderful; this place is really starting to feel like home!
For starters, I moved into my house:

The hospital rents the house to its medical volunteers. It is nice and clean, and reminds me a lot of my grandmother's house in Kerala, India. The front gate, the furniture, the grills on the windows, even the salamanders on the walls and the little bananas in the kitchen! It's awesome, and it all seems so familiar. Katie and Maiken are arriving tonight, so then we'll have a happy full house.

I ran into a college friend last weekend! I bumped into Sam from Yale (far left) while at a popular bar called Via Via. It was quite random, and so fun. The picture is at what we called "African Toads," aka our college dance club transplanted to Tanzania.

This past weekend, Brandon and I visited a primary school about three hours away from Arusha, in a small town called Kisangara. It is a boarding school that is supported largely by volunteer teachers from Germany and the USA. The children are fantastic:

Above, Brandon and another teacher playing soccer with the kids. These kids are GOOD at soccer!

For 108 children, the entire selection of toys is one soccer ball, two frisbees, five jump ropes, and a rubber hose that they talk to each other through like a telephone. But they're still just happy kids!


  1. Sweet Pix! Keep them coming. Happy to hear you're feeling at home. Miss you already. Take care. -ph

  2. Those little munchkins are all looks so amazing! Can't wait to read more!

  3. Thanks for including me in your blog Christine! I look forward to living viacariously through your stories these cold minnesotal months. . .
